

Christian Posch, MD, PhD
Dr. Posch served as the inaugural post-doctoral fellow in the Ortiz Lab from 2012 to 2015. With a specialization in dermatology and venereology, he presently leads the Dermatology Department at the Hietzing and Ottakring Hospitals in Vienna. Renowned for his expertise in skin cancer, he has previously contributed to research at Harvard University and possesses supplementary certification in Medicinal Tumor Therapy.


Martina Sanlorenzo, MD, PhD
Dr. Sanlorenzo epitomizes the fusion of medical expertise and scientific rigor. With a Doctorate in Molecular Medicine from the University of Turin, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her role as a Dermatologist. During her residency, she strategically invested two years as a postdoctoral Fellow at the Ortiz Lab, enhancing her research acumen. Her contributions have been recognized on a global scale, notably with the prestigious L'Oreal-Unesco Prize for Women in Science, underscoring her impact on melanoma research. In 2016, she transitioned to the research cohort under the leadership of Prof. Maria Sibilia at the Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, where she continues to drive innovation and advancement in cancer therapeutics with a methodical and results-oriented approach.


Igor Vujic, MD
Dr. Vujic is a graduate of Vienna's medical program and delved into extensive research at the Ortiz Lab, followed by professional experiences in Italy, and England. Returning to Vienna in April 2023, he assumed the interim leadership of the Department of Dermatology at Krankenanstalt Landstraße. His multidimensional background positions him to contribute significantly to the scientific and clinical aspects of dermatology, bridging the gap between research and practical application in his current role.